(after perfume)

2021. March marked my second time at InCahoots Residency. Before the pandemic, writing was only a part of my process. But through much of 2021, I fully returned to my writing and embraced writing as practice and writing as art.

In residence I worked on a collection of poems I hope can one day find a published home, as well as found poem collages based on Perfume, The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Suskind. I received this book by one of my most treasured teachers from high school. Originally they were just blackout poems, based of course on myself, but then took a life of its own.

One section of poems culminated in an artist book, while the other sprang to life on the walls of the Bindery as an installation.


Looking at the abstracted pages, I began to add imagery from previous projects from my time at the Academy of Art, miscellaneous collected magazines, and midwife literature from my mother. This installation was spontaneous – surely not part of my proposal – but a welcomed new direction, and one that I hope to continue further.