NEO-RECOVERY: queen of swords

2018. After sharing on Tumblr & adapting for Instagram, the original Recovery Archive has transformed. I’ve always been taken with glitch art, digital noise, & the overall “corruption” of imagery — both as an aesthetic & a state of being.

As the archive shows, I invested myself in therapy & finally got on medication after graduation. Toward the end of 2017, I began to dabble in Tarot. I have always been skeptical of the supernatural, & especially of anything related to “witchcraft,” but I’ve always been drawn to Tarot. I begin to use Tarot in my recovery process, getting in touch with parts of my psyche & subconscious that reared their ugly heads during the depths of my depression, & the depths of my BPD.

I won’t speak for other Borderlines, especially those who have complicated relationships with the gender binary, but… I am my own binary. I am made up of me & Her. The She that once succumbed to self-hatred is now invested in protecting me. She is my Empress, my Queen of Swords. These are our continuing conversations.